10. Project
the church needs its own facilities for ministry seven days a week. Through the acquisition of a home the project addresses the following issues, most of which are contingent on adequate facilities: space for worship; adequate space to house the various ministries (children, youth, women, family, liturgical, music, etc.); space for pastoral and administrative services (pastoral counseling, meetings, etc.); and use of the facilities seven days a week, rather than one, to increase effectiveness of the ministries.​
1.The home/church : USD15,000 to 250,000 to reach to purchase a church by fundraisiing or voluntary donation or receive a building as donation.
2.The van: the church believe that since the world change, it a deliverance to get a van to help those who want to come to church but do not have the finance to pay buses ticket or taxi.
B. Through the acquisition of a van the project addresses the following pastoral issues, most of which are contingent on adequate transportation: outreach ministry; ministry to the sick; ministry to the marginalized; participation in training through conferences and seminars etc. The van will also allow transportation of church members to the worship place.
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