Contact Information
Pacific Southwest Mennonite Conference
1041 N Altadena Drive
Pasadena, CA 91107
Email: admin@pacificsouthwest.org
Web: www.pacificsouthwest.org
Phone: 626-421-2540
Office Hours: 11:00-4:00 Tues & Thurs​
MCC Relief Sale
Mennonite Central Committee is
organizing Festivals & Sales to supports
world hunger and disaster relief.
There are two sales taking place within
our conference. You are invited to join
in these efforts to support international
relief, development, and service ministries
of the MCC.
Free admission & free parking!
Upland, CA
• Friday, May 14 to Saturday, May 15
• Pacific Christian Center - 800 W.
Arrow Hwy. Upland, CA. 91786​
• 909-946-0809
Service Opportunity
Service Adventure still has some positions
available for young adults (ages
17-20) who are interested in serving for
10 months at community-based organizations
in places like Colorado Springs,
Colorado, Albany, Oregon and Anchorage,
Alaska. Live in community
with a unit leader and work, worship,
and have fun together. Visit
service.mennonitemission.net or call
Diana at 1-866-866-2872 ext. 23064.​
Scripture of the Week
Psalm 145:18-21
The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all
who call on him in truth. He fulfills the desire
of all who fear him; he also hears their cry,
and saves them. The Lord watches over all
who love him, but all the wicked he will destroy.
My mouth will speak the praise of the
Lord, and all flesh will bless his holy name
forever and ever.
Ministry Openings

• Trinity Mennonite Church is
seeking a half-time Music Pastor
to lead the congregation and volunteer
musicians in worship.
• Trinity Mennonite Church is
also seeking a half-time Youth
Pastor to give leadership to the
youth program.
• Koinonia Mennonite Church is
seeking a full-time Pastor with
desirable pastoral gift of preaching
and teaching, pastoral care, ministry
and outreach to youth, evangelism,
and leadership in church
Please be in prayer for these churches
and feel free to pass on the information
to those who may be interested
Upcoming PSMC Events
• Conference Mission Team: Friday,
May 7 from 10:00-4:00 at LA
Faith Chapel. All are welcome
• PSMC Summer Assembly: June
18-19 at Trinity Mennonite Church
in Glendale, AZ. Registration information
coming soon.
PSMC Snapshot
Nestled in the middle of Surprise, Arizona
in the Phoenix metro area, Life-
House Community Church (formerly
Emmanuel Mennonite Church) has a
long history of engaging their community.
They started as a daycare that was
a service to the community and now
have grown into a church. The church
is passionate about inviting neighbors
and friends to join them for worship
and also about helping with concrete
service projects. Recently they helped
to build relief kits for Haiti through
MCC, and every family unit within the
congregation participated in this effort
Additionally, at LifeHouse they believe
in feeding their members both spiritually
and literally. According to Pastor
Paul Meyer, the church hosts vibrant
Sunday morning worship services with
a full worship band and enthusiastic
participation, and often follow these
services with a community meal of
some sort, whether it be hot dogs or a
full-blown potluck.
LifeHouse is currently in a process of
discernment about when to build a new
church facility (they own land already).
Please pray for LifeHouse Community
Church, Pastor Paul Meyer, and the
community that they engage.
TUES, April, 20, 2013

Mobilizing mennonites in Arizona, California & Nevada to fulfill God Purposes...